Turismo week. First I was going to Peru, a few weeks later I changed my mind and I wanted to go to Chile, days later Argentina was the choice and on Turismo week I ended up on a road trip in Uruguay. To be honest if I could turn back in time I would have done it the same way. Uruguay is a beautiful country, it really is.
I woke up at 6 AM but I wasn't tired at all, I was really excited but nevertheless, when I entered in the car (Alvaro's car) I instantly fell asleep, when I'm in the back seat of the car I always fall asleep. I woke up and we were at pueblo Garzon. It was a really small village that looked like the set for many western movies, I liked it a lot.
After a day travelling and stopping to pee and to fill our bottles with hot water (fun fact, I didn't ride shotgun on the car because I didn't want to prepare Mate during the trip).
We arrived at valizas to sleep. Valizas was the "headquarter of our operations", with this I mean that we went everywhere from there. In the second day we went to cabo polónio. We walked there, it was a 3 and a half hour walk, it was worth it the view was amazing it looked like a desert, I really liked to watch the sea-wolves to but to me, honestly, the best part of the whole trip was the journey back from cabo polónio. Everyone went back home from cabo polónio by jeep and bus but me, Álvaro and Fran went by foot, and let me tell you that's a moment I'll never forget. The moon was full, there were no clouds in the sky and we were in the "desert". I really loved that night, I ended up arriving home after 3 hours walking and all soaked and with my feet hurting, but it was worth it. Thank you Álvaro and Fran.
The day after we went to punta del diablo and I ate the best empanadas ever and I swam at the sea, it was a really nice day.
The next day we went to quebrada de los cuervos. I loved it soo much. It was really beautiful, and one more time I swam, this time at a cold lagoon, on my boxers because I forgot to bring my swimsuit. We made a fire in the night and looked at the moon. I think I created a strong bond with everybody, with some people more than other but that is life. I felt home.
Turismo week passed by and I gained a new roomate! Sabrina!!