So week 3, up until now, was the week where i've had the most work. I think we presented the interviews that week. To be honest spanish was really getting on my nerves, there would be times where my brain would, some way, block it and so I would become, what I like to call: SpanishDeaf. Up until this day that block still happens, but not that much.
I really started to enjoy my house here in Montevideo. It's small, but it's really cozy. Maybe in my future I want a small cozy house. Living here is also teaching me that, 90% of the things that I own, material things, are disposable, and I can be extremely happy without them.
I like my neighborhood it's really quiet and really near to everything, the mercado agricola is a few blocks away and UDELAR is 45 minutes walking. I'm really enjoy these walks everyday.
I don't remember much from this week, but I started feeling home...