The week after turismo's week marked the "physical" beggining of BooQRit. That week the majority of the group was able to go to Frey Bentos to learn a few things about the prototyping and testing. The bus ride was sort of long and Alvaro forced us to be awake to have a "bus class"...not fun we wanted to sleep...but...useful.
Arriving at Frey Bentos we met with Alejandro which is a very nice person. We met him in a room full of pencils, rulers, 3D printers (which could not have been missing because, 3D printer guy right Ana??) plasticine, soft and many many more "creative" tools. The objective was, in 15 minutes making a prototype of our idea. BooQRit is essencially a digital tool, so to make a digital tool physical and real was a challenge... but we are intelligent persons so we did a physical BooQRit based on children's "push an pull" books. It turned out great! Tomás made his victory dance, and Alvaro became such a fan of it that in the Frey Bentos video the last 20 seconds are Tomás dance...Tomás is embareced.
During the rest of the week the programming of the index page of BooQRit was being made and a few remodelations on the idea were also taking place.
The majoroty of programming occured on the next week so...see you there!